Distant Horizons


Distant Horizons

This is the place to go for: news, information, and discussion about the Distant Horizons Minecraft mod.




Installing the mod, " A Java Exception has occured"

Whenever I try to install the mod for 1.21 (using Iris and Sodium for 1.21), when I click on the .jar file to install it, it just gives me a message saying that " A Java Exception has occured". I have reinstalled Java and it still isn't working. What is the fix for this? Thanks in advance!...

I've run into issue where I see in some chunks black areas and somewhere even only black squares

Hello, I found an issue atleast on my system. I have run into a lot of black squares while using shaders you provided in this post (BLISS and Photon shaderpacks are used), I even revomed config files so I'm sure that there are no changes in setting and reinstalled everything, mods and shaders. Still im running into black areas and black squares as provided in the picture. Tho I have to say I have some mod installed but I dont think they should interfere with this issue. (Provided in pictures) Then I wrote a comment on github https://gist.github.com/Steveplays28/52db568f297ded527da56dbe6deeec0e?permalink_comment_id=5134628#gistcomment-5134628 and someone suggested me to try changing the light engine in the settings from starlight to DH and then regenerate LODs. Did that but id didn't work. And after that I'm redirected here....
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New to DH: Setting to increase normal Blocks around player

i am new to using DH, been a really big fan so far, but ive got a question: My PC can handle a lot more, how do i increase the distance the normal LODs (if thats the right word) are used instead of the less polygon versions? id be happy to see normal blocks a bit further out before they become "pixelated"

Fake Trees generating in Distant Chunks

I dont have any specific error logs to show. I am not using any mods except for Axiom and I am playing on a singleplayer world that has been generated with Worldpainter. The issue i am noticing is that fake vanilla trees are generating over these worldpainter biomes. For example, i generated a jungle biome in worldpainter but it doesnt have any trees in it, however when i move around, fake vanilla trees pop in and out of the distance

How do i solve this?

I get this black chunck, any idea?
Are you using starlight? Or were the chunks generated while starlight was installed?
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Turning off shaders in nether result in wierd no-fog LODs.

So turning off shaders result in this wierd no fog LODs. Idk is it mod incompatibility?
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Water Problem

i get these weird water columns whenever there 's a high water source and when i get close it disappears I've seen it in multiple single player worlds Single player...
Try increasing vertical quality
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Bliss compatible with 1.19.2 DH?

The only distant horizons compatible version of the bliss shader I can find is not working. Dh stops loading LODs when I turn it on and I think it is because of the version of Dh I am using, 1.19.2

Not Saving

I recently updated my server to 1.21 finally, and for some reason none of my client mods work anymore when they are in the mod folder, the only way I can now get them to work is by creating a profile on curseforge and loading my game through that, all of my client mods work fine, except DH doesn't save the LODs i can log in, fly around go back to where I was, log out, log back in, and back to square one. I have a feeling it has something to do with curseforge, cause it worked fine before.

Can I activate shaders while Distant Horizons is rendering chunks?

I have BSL shaders v8.2.08, and I wanted to know if turning the shaders on will cause problems when rendering new areas. Should I wait until it renders everything or something? Loading into an existing world with shaders already enabled from earlier gave me lots of issues...

Crash when clicking config in mod list.

- Crash logs attached. Happens when clicking the dh config both in-game or at title screen. - Forge 1.19.2 with DH 2.1.2-a-1.19.2-forge-fabric.jar. - Out of the incompatible mods in the faq only Supplementaries is included in this pack, though it doesn't seem to have anything to do with this specific issue. - Modpack is "Chocolate Edition"...

Bliss shaders

I’m probably just being stupid and there is most likely settings for it to fix but I couldn’t find anything in the FAQ but when I have distant horizons turned on and load a bunch of chunks then turn on bliss shaders it goes back to normal chunks without distant horizons and the second I turn off the shaders it goes back to normal instantly any way to fix this I’m so sorry if this was something really obvious and I made sure the version I had was good for distant horizons I’m pretty sure at least
Try replacing your shader with the one you get when you click the download shaderpack button in this link: https://gist.github.com/Steveplays28/52db568f297ded527da56dbe6deeec0e

day chunks at night

Seems like whenever night comes around in my world, the preloaded distant chunks are still at morning. Any clues to how to fix this?
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When I transfer LOD files from personal world to identical server world, LODs do not load.

Me and my buddy have made a server world with a pre loaded world and the lod data along with it. When I get onto the server, I genereate the file, shut down, put the sq.lite file into the file it created, nothing happens. Instead, the server world behaves like a fresh world and generates the lod data all over again, ignoring the data I put in there.

c2me or no c2me

I've heard that, while it is compatible, c2me actually slows down LoD performance. While the LoDs may be slower, is the worldgen still faster? Or if I'm using DH, should I just kick the bucket with c2me?

Mod dev question - How to check if a chunk has been cached to sqlite?

Hi. I am currently creating a crude mod to cache chunks on singleplayer or multiplayer by teleporting the player around the spawn area to have their client cache the chunks into DH. What I have currently works on a basic level, however I believe the way I am checking if a chunk is already in the sqlite db is sub optimal:...


Does Tectonic make rendering take longer?
World gen mods do affect the speed of generation of LODs and chunks in general. For Tectonic, I think its not a big slowdown, rather a small one.

DH forge 1.20.1 Are there any compatible mods with it?

It's super cool that DH with shaders also works on forge now. I got the problem that as soon I add some other mods like alexs caves, mowzies mobs or create it stops working.