Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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Configurate an unsupported Printer

As I failed to make 2.02 work with my modified Ender 6, because of the "must home first" Failure, I will try it with 2.1. I used the VCorePro.cfg with 2.02, where I had to make several changes because of not having a Z_1 and Z_2 Stepper. So my Question is: "Which supported Config is the best starting Point for the modified Ender6 (CoreXY, Stock Motors, Octopus 1.1, Dragon HF, LGX Lite, BL Touch)...
The Question was for the basic kinematics. The other Data for Sensors e.tc. I have on Hand, as this maschine already ran on an older Klipper Fork (Desuu). I used the Voron V0-1 as Basis and with some slight modifications it is up and running.

Error during accelerometer data streaming

Seit dem letzten Update bekomme ich neuer Dings diesen Fehler: Error during accelerometer data streaming siehe Bild kann mir eventuell jemand weiterhelfen?...
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ratos in mini pc

can i install ratos in mini PC. dell optiplex PC i5 8th gen.

Filament unload lenght/speed change for dual filament path extruder setup

Hi! I am trying to modify the lenght and speed of the filament when unloading but it seems no matter what I try, it does not work with the current macro. The why: I added a belay and an additional extruder to the filament path and would like to be able to use the current macro to unload filament from both extruders at a higher speed since the filament path is about 1 meter long. Here is my current config: [gcode_macro T0]...

Ratos Invalid

I tried updating all my packages in klipper and I received an error that RatOS is invalid. I tried doing soft recover and it says that it couldn't find the github. I tried doing a hard recover and it didn't work....
i suggest saving the config files and burn a new image

VAOC webcam stream not found

I have a problem where the VAOC cannot stream at all. I have followed the steps in the commisioning guide....

RatOS eth0 issues.

Hello. I am having this issue where the raspberry pi does not want to communicate with my dhcp for a dynamic ip address. When setting it static address i can access the gateway which is on another ip than the dhcp, but i can still not reach the dhcp server nor can i reach my network. ...

pin PA15 used multiple times in config

I wanted to connect an OctoPix RGB Neopixel Expansion Board to SPI3 to control the corner LEDs on the VCore 4, but when using the pins PB15, PB5, PB4, and PB3, I get an error because they are being used by the ADXL345 in RatOS. How can I disable or comment out that part in RatOS?
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Poor Adhesion On Edges

I've got a VCore 4 500 and I can't get prints to stick on the edges. Is there a chance that I'm not scanning the edges with the probe? I'm not sure where the grid size location is stored.

"Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" Error After Update to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3

Hello, Machine is a RatRig vCore 3.1. 500mm x 500mm. Has been sitting idle for a few months. Powered up and updated to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3. After update I keep getting "Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" error. If i SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION command is sent, all axis home and print will run. I have attached the Klippy Log and printer.cfg files. Any help would be appreciated....
2.1 is amazing. Thanks for the help.

mushrooming filament, unload variables have no effect

Since replacing the Eva 3 with a RR Toolhead and adding a Orbiter sensor, I find that when unloading filament, it mushrooms and gets stuck just above the extruder gears, as indicated in the image. If I push the filament back in by hand, enough to reheat it and purge a bit, and then pull it back out fairly quickly, I can remove the filament. So I thought I'd try setting the variable that's supposed to effect unload speed, but it didn't. I tried moving it up to 10 mm/s, then 30, then 100, but there was no change between any of those. I know it's capable of running at least 25mm/s in reverse as the retract option in klipperscreen will actually run faster when selecting that speed. printer.cfg excerpt:...
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Turn off MCU Temperature Sensor Permanently

How can I turn off the [temperature_sensor SKR_1.4] in RatOS.cfg permanently? Everytime I start the printer I get the "MCU temperature not supported on lpc1768" error. Then I comment the section in RatOS.cfg and then whenever I power cycle the printer I need to redo this step as its is not permanent. I know how to add stuff in RatOS but am unsure how to delete stuff. Any help?
currently that isn't possible. Copy what you have in ratos.cfg to a new file and then import that into your printer.cfg instead of ratos.cfg. Then you can modify your copy without it being overwritten after reboot
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Unable to set Enclosure heater temp after a print completes

If i set the temp it will be zero'd back out after a few seconds ( some times less ) the previous print had set enclosure temp to be off but the print is now finished and i need to heat the enclosure for the next print. I'm not getting any errors, its as if it still thinks its printing, if i reset firmware i can set the enclosure temp to whatever i want like expected START_PRINT (with expected params ) and END_PRINT exist in the Gcode...
just wanted to thank you both again, with your help i was able to print PPA-CF zero issues, entire enclosure properly heated with no manual intervention. It. Was. Glorious.

Nothing working after latest update

I did some updates a day or 2 ago & now nothing works 😦 The updates were (as best as I remember): Beacon, Nevermore & RatOS configurator. I did the beacon 1st as my beacon is still giving issues. Then йdid the Nevermore & RatOS Config together. All I get on the display is "Unable to get printer information from Moonraker." I can go into the menu & see what versions are installed, See attached. I am fairly sure it is not connecting to the internet as I cannot SSH into it either. Any suggestions or do I have to reinstall everything from scratch?...
OK so it was the Nevermore update. It turns out that the update via klipper / moonraker did not work properly. I had to do a manual git pull via ssh & that worked.
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Flashing a 3rd (or a 4th or...) EBB42

I am implementing a pico MMU on the IDEX. The pico is driven by a EBB42. Apparently I need to flash it via Ratos. As I have the Idex I cannot flash it using the wizard (using the DFU). Once flashed, indeed the board must not be recognized as one for the toolheads What would be the best method to move forward?...

Dimensional accuracy

Attached photo of the dimensions. Diagonal diff : 0.3 X Y diff : 0.42 How can i solve it ? Belt tension are the same. Checked so much things....
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No match for TMC5160 v1.3 (not pro) in configurator.

I'm upgrading to 2.1 on a slightly older printer with Octopus Pro H723 1.1 using tmc5160 v1.3. In the configurator, I'm not sure which profile to select since I can't find the exact match. Also, motors are OMC 17HS19 2004s1, will the LDO 2004AC profile work?
You can select the T or Pro. Since you will not change voltage to 48V, the config is the same

Broken SD card boot loader.

I had a working RatOS 2.1 working on my RR.VCore3 and then whoops. I pulled the SD card while the Pi was still on. Now the Boot Loader does not work. The FAT32 partition and the EXT4 partition seem to be intact and I can get all the files from them on another linux machine. So I: 1. Made a fresh SD card from the RatOS 2.1 image. 2. Booted the SD card on the rPi so the EXT4 partition would resized to take all (64 GB) available space. 3. Moved SD card to another machine and mounted the EXT4 partition....

Move Out of Range Error

I'm getting the error in the screen shot while doing an IDEX print on my VCore 4 500. Tried it in Prusa and Orca with the same result. I've done the VAOC, _VAOC_Reset, and CALCULATE_DC_ENDSTOP multiple times. It occurs when the printer switches to the other head. If I do a IDEX print with a small item in the middle of the plate it works OK. Seems like the IDEX has some weird boundary issues going on. Any ideas on what the issue is?
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LGX Issues

Just to let you guys know.... The LGX needs to be at .55 amps, not .85, and the full steps per rotation distance for the LGX is 200, not 400.