Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]


Rat Rig Community [Unofficial]

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Printer stops extrudering after tool change purge

Trying to do a multi color test print. T0 does layer 1 just fine. Tool 1 starts, does this purge, then starts the print but I get no extrusion from the hotend. Then changes back to T0 and now that head doesn't extrude. It's not a clog cause I can cancle print and command 50mm extruded and it does that just fine. Guessing it's a gcode issue, but what box do I check/uncheck. Unchecked relative e distance in prusa gives me g92 E0 error. Any ideas?

How to find right Flow

Hello, Normally I have no problems with this part of calibration. (So on my Prusas and Bambulabs) But with the Ratrig v4 | can't get the right value. I already printed the orca flow test and there I got the value of 0.92 but the parts are a little bit underextrusioned like 1-2%. So I printed like Ellis guide said 30x30x3mm cubes with 25% infill and 10 top layers and there I would take the 0.95 flow one but then the parts are a little bit overextended on some points (the pictures are all on 0.95 flow) and the other part have 6 top layers...
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Bad top surface quality

I have recently upgraded my hotend to a Goliath & using a CPAP fan now too. I have noticed that my top surface quality is very bad. Any suggestions to fix this? Is it too hot, too much cooling too wet??? It appears to only be the top layer or the 1st layer above infill. The photo is with eSun grey PLA...
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Weird pattern on flat walls

I have this bumpy texture showing up on only some of my flat walls, I have tuned inputs shaper as well as pressure advance, any ideas on what it is and how to fix it? I’m using a Vcore 4 500 hybrid

Different flow but same gcode

Hello, I have the Ratrig v4 500 with an enclosure. I printed these parts out of ABS. Every part is a new print but there was nothing between. So I printed every time the same gcode but as you see in the pictures the flow looks different. Any ideas ? (I have the standard configuration of the v4 hybrid, orbiter v2 + rapido uhf 2 plus)...
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VC4 500 IDEX terrible bed mesh

So my mesh looks absolutely terrible, 0.428mm deviance min to max, does this look like bent gantries?
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V-Core 4 500 Shutdown, will not boot

Printer has been working great the past month. I was just starting a print, when I got 4 red errors in a row in the console(Didn't get a chance to screengrab them), and the printer shutdown. I tried to re-connect in klipper, and saw I had no connection to RatOS at all. I unplugged the machine and plugged it back in to restart it, but the wifi never came back, and the fans never ramped down from 100%. I wondered if my Pi wasn't booting correctly. Plugged the Pi SD card into my Windows machine, and it crashes Explorer as soon as I try to view it at all....

v-core 4 500 pla prints horrible

I just finished my v-core 4 500 hybrid. I decided to use orca slicer for the v-core (usually a prusaslicer person) and I went with the ratrig generic PLA profile. The material used was a role of PLA which I still had on hand. (eryone silk silver) I printed tons of that material on a voron with 205 degrees on the nozzle so the default value in the profile seemed fine to me. So I sliced a small print and started the printer. My problems began....
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Uneven walls and corners, poor repeatability?

Issue seems to scale with part size. Not sure if problem is mechanical or profile configuration. PLA 215C bed 65C
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Vcore 4 - 500 mm hybrid marks

Please see attached. Stock vcore 4 500mm hybrid, PA @ 0.017, PLA, 230c hotend. Cant Find the solution for these marks, maybe have something to do with travel marks. Is this input shaper? Or PA value? Any ideas? 0.25 mm quality profile. Looking forward to possible options here.
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Protrusion on layer with solid infill

Trying to print two models and they both have a floor at around the 6mm height. When the solid infil is laid there is this bulge that appears on the outside even though permitters are printed first. At first I thought it was a Z banding or something as it happens at the same height for both prints, but then I printed a simple cube and there was no issue at that height. Problem persists even when printing outer perimeter first, it just makes a slightly bigger circle. ...
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Temperature tower curl/lift

Don’t know what I’m doing wrong here, if it’s too much cooling and it’s curling, or if it’s not enough cooling since it seems soft… I’m out of ideas. The print gets knocked out the bed minutes later because of this. ...

Pressure Advance Tower Problem

The left one is with more cooling, but even tho it helped alot the sides, the front is really bad. any suggestions?...
This helped me fixing my issue. Bumped the max flow rate to 30 as I’m using 0.6 nozzle and bumped the temps....
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Horrible bridge in 10mm hole top.

Hi all. I have a small credit card sized magnetic rack ID support that I am printing. The print fits a 10x2mm magnet. I am trying to keep the part as thin and light as possible because I need to print several hundreds of them and want to save as much material as I can. In the images, you can see the print has a small 10mm hole for the magnet. The issue I am having is the bridge. It is crap and sagging and therefore, the magnet doesn't sit flush to the part as would be expected and stick out as much as 0.6mm from the surface. Seems to me that Orca is adding a wall in midair, and then trying to bridge that. I have attached 2 screenshots. I can't seem to find the right setting in Orca to avoid this behavior. Any help is greatly appreciated....
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Unknown surface quality issue similar to pillowing but not quite

Issue is not happening regularly, but I’ve been printing some composite molds recently that have had a surface finish that is inconsistent, kind of like pillowing and overheating but not quite. Pictures attached. Material is OverturePETG at 255°C on 80°C bed at 200mm/s. Any thoughts?...
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Random tear-outs along walls

I'm unsure what causes the tear-outs shown here. Besides those, the walls are pretty good. What could be causing it? Temperature too low? Print speed too high? Something else? Running PLA at 175mm/s, 235C, with a 0.6mm nozzle....
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Consistent IDEX offset after VAOC calibration

I’m getting a consistent ~1mm on multicolor IDEX prints on my stock VC4 300. I’ve tried following the IDEX commissioning guide multiple times and usually don’t need to tweak anything when I pull up the VAOC tool. Appreciate any advice <3
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Vc4 500 hybrid 0.6mm nozzle

It's not pretty so what would people say I need to work on as said printed on vc4 hybrid 500 with a 0.6 nozzle in pla temp flow and pa tuned supposedly
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IDEX XY Offset drift (VC4)

My Vcore 4 prints well so far. But while printing a large multi-colour model, I noticed a problem. My XY offset drifts on higher models. While it is perfect on the lower part of the print, it drifts more and more until (in this case) it overextrudes areas and the toolhead loses steps when hitting it. At first I thought it was some sort of thermal expansion etc, but this happened when printing PLA with all the panels off. Any ideas? I'll do some more testing tomorrow....
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Inconsistent squiggly perimeters

I have a VCore 3.1 500. For the life of me I have not been able to narrow down the cause of this squiggly line that starts each perimeter. Direction of travel is black arrow. Squiggle circled in red, normal end of perimeter is circled blue. Acceleration and print speed values have not made a difference Phaetus hotend, bondtech BMG. Duet running reprap and linear advance is tuned!...
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