Tool heads collide
Idex 400. Finished commissioning guide. Did the vaoc comp? Copy and paste dc offsets. Did vaoc again. Did z offset. Pretty sure I did it all correct, in correct order too.
When I start a idex print, 2 colors using both toolheads, the toolheads just barely collide when the print starts. When the heads move to center of x and gantry moves y to 0 portion of print start.
Thinking it because I have the led fan ducts on the toolheads. Is there a offset variable i can set to give them 2 more mm seperation?...
VAOC Cam freezing
Hello people. I just received the replacement camera sent from RR as the first one was defective (it was the board, hance I haven't used the second band cable and camera sensor)
Now I'm trying to go through the VAOC calibration, but the image from the camera blinks all the time (loosing connection and then restoring it every second or two) when in the WEBCAM tab. This is not bothering me as it's not happening when starting the VAOC calibration, but I still can't finish it. The image from the camera freezes randomly through the process and besides the toolheads are moving and the diod is able to be switch on and off, I'm not seeing that as the image is frozen. Firmware restart or Restart is not helping. I need to restart the whole printer and then I'm able to start all over, until it freezes again. The closest I could get is setin T0, but when summoning T1, the image froze again. Any hint's or tips how what am I doing wrong or how to solve that?...

Bent Lead screw
And i did it by bumping into it :(, does anyone know where i can buy another one in the EU?? i already contacted RatRig but their support seem slow. It is a TR8x4 475mm as i have a vcore4 400mm
Option 'control' in section 'extruder' must be specified
I'm having this problem together with others, but let's start with this one
Octopus V1.1 won't connect via USB
I'm just building my first Rat Rig (a Vcore 4).
My problem is: the board just won't show up as a USB device (it's still outside of the printer, without drivers and without anything connected to it).
dmesg output always is like:...
Lead Screw Screeching (Vcore4 IDEX)
Has anybody run into an issue where the Z1 lead screw (the rear one) has some random screeching/squeaking. It happens sometimes, especially on fast Z moves (like during z tilt calibration). I am able to isolate it to that lead screw because if I put my hand on it and give it a little pull towards the front of the machine while it is screeching, the sound goes away. I put some light sewing machine oil on the lead screw which seemed to fix the issue, but I was under the impression that the POM lea...
cant flash skrat
so i messed up an update, and broke ratos. I decided to reflash ratos since i had a backup of the config. However; the skrat doesnt seem to get flashed automatically, over dfu or even sd card. I cant imagine the board itself is broken though..
i undid all cables, tried differnt usb cables etc....
"Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" Error After Update to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3
Machine is a RatRig vCore 3.1. 500mm x 500mm. Has been sitting idle for a few months. Powered up and updated to v2.0.2-36-g230929e3. After update I keep getting "Must home axis first: 0.000 0.000 15.000 [0.000]" error. If i SET_CENTER_KINEMATIC_POSITION command is sent, all axis home and print will run. I have attached the Klippy Log and printer.cfg files. Any help would be appreciated....
MCU connection lost.
Hello people. I'm close to despair with my fully assembled VCore 4 IDEX 400, which haven't made a single print yet.
When the printer is idling, at some point a message pops, that MCU hast lost connection. At first (when I started with commissioning 5 days ago), it was showing as a culprit T0, T1, Beacon, randomly. The last two days I disconnected and checked all the wiring, and put in order all the cables in the electronic's compartment. Bought 2 new USB cables and replaced the one from the kit. Now the error popping up is mentioning only the Beacon. Strangely, right after the rewiring a new issue started to appear and maybe both are related. When I power the printer, I manage to go through a Heightnap calibration ones and on any attempt afterwards, a red error says the meshing failed. Until the next restart. I've wiggled all the cables and connectors both toward the toolheads and inside the black box, but no error appeared. Did that 3 times to be sure. All the connectors look fine.
No idea what to try next. And I'm still waiting to receive new VAOC camera (under warranty) as mine appears to be faulty. Quite a lot of disappointment and frustration at this point. The Voron was more complicated on assembling, but I'm having harder time starting printing with the RatRig....
Any hints, ideas or tips are greatly appreciated or this big junk of metal and plastic will be searching for a new owner......

Beacon not working
Hi All, I am really stuck I was ticking along nicely through the setup wizard, got to the end where you confirm setup and then open mainsail and I get the the klippy host software is attempting to connect, so have hit reset and firmware restart and I get the mcu beacon unable to connect error I have tried the Beacons USB in all the USB ports and that did nothing.
I ran all the updates and I am now on v2.1.0 RC3 I think it updated to that if that helps??
Could anyone please help?...
Disconnecting after every print
Hello, I have a v3.1 500mm that I built and now it’s having a funky issue. Almost every time after I print something, I cannot connect to my printer via ip, but it still works with the klipperscreen. What do I need to do?
I switched a new sdcard to RATOS2.1 but impossible to do a z-tilt!
Homing X Y and Z via beacon no problem, position 250.250 but as soon as the z-tilt is launched noise and loss of position !!
Where should I look? Thanks...
VCore4 IDEX Belt Tensioning - Should Mount Hybrid?
I'm working on going through the IDEX commissioning guide and seem to have everything complete. I am now looping back around to perform the standard commissioning guide. In what order should I do the tensioning? It mentions tuning the CoreXY belts first, and then adding and tuning the hybrid belts. However, during the IDEX commissioning guide, one issue I ran into was that the z-tilt cal did not work. Based on reading a couple of threads, the problem was that the hybrid belts need to be mounted for the IDEX machine to work properly for the commissioning, so I mounted the hybrid belts.
Now that im coming back to belt tuning, am I supposed to remove the hybrid belts and perform the tuning, even though I have the IDEX build, and then reattach the hybrid belts and continue tuning? If so, does this change any work I've done up to this point on the IDEX commissioning steps?...
ignore the manual on that part - you need the hybrid belts mounted in order for the tollhead to move correctly
Vcore4 500 IDEX: Layer Shifts & Y Belt Tensioning
Does anyone know where i can find a graph on the Hybrid belts (Y-Belts) and how to tune it and what an acceptable input shaping graph should look like as well? My graph doesn't seem to be too kind and I am a bit confused as to how to generalize an acceptable range.
When printing with a single toolhead (Toolhead T0), I get massive layer shifts on the print as well. Looking forward to your responses. Thank you!...
Clicking during Y axis movement
I am guessing it is from the Hybrid motor as there is no cliking during X movement at all. Any ideas what it could be? I just rebuilt the printer from IDEX to Hybrid and the clicking started. I tried feeling around the idlers but I can't feel where the clicking would be coming from
I believe this was solved by doign the following:
It can be fixed by loosening the belt nut on that Y motor, move the toolhead a bit by hand and tighten it again.
It can be fixed by loosening the belt nut on that Y motor, move the toolhead a bit by hand and tighten it again.
Error after some minutes idling.
Hi. I've just finished the build of my VCore4, but it has strange behaviour. If I leave it idling, after 5-10-15 minutes (haven't noticed how much), a yellow warning appears, saying Klipper lost connection to T0, T1 or Beacon. Each time it's different but mostly it's T0. After selecting Firware Restart, I does not start. I need to select Restart only and then all is good. After the last one the reddish attached image showed up.
Initially I thought there are loose cables or something, but it's not that, as the printer passed all its belt and shaper tests without an issue. If it's doing something (moving, heating, whatever) it's OK. If I leave it idling, then it dyes.
Is it possible to be the Hub?
Any help, hint on advice on that issue would be appreciated....

Faulty VAOC camera (or accessories)
Hello people,
I'm close to finishe my VCore4 IDEX assembly, but got stuck on the VAOC camera.
I believe it's faulty (or some of it's accessories - cables or board) as it not visible from the printer (can'tconnect). Even tried to rotate the band cable in different configurations, but to no avail.
Can't connect at all. Like it's not existing.
I've also tried to connect it to my laptop, but doesn't recognize it either....

Ratos on Manta M8B and CM4
What gets flashed where?
No, just the raspberry pi image to the SD card for the cm4
VAOC Error
after an idex test i've done, i was doing the vaoc alignment again and this pop up.
I literally did nothing, and was working perfectly.
any suggestions?...