Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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You need to enable logpush for each

You need to enable logpush for each worker as well, either enabled through the workers dashboard or with logpush = true in wrangler.toml

Logpush integrations

Hello all, got a question related to Logpush worker trace events: I'm pushing logs to Grafana Loki and in order to get the data shaped correctly for Loki, I've set up a Logpush job with a HTTP destination pointing to a log-processor worker. Wanted to know if there are options for securing that log-processor endpoint, beyond what the docs suggest (with the header param in the destination Logpush job destination URL). More specifically: 1. Is there a way to do some IP (or other network-level attribute) allow-listing so only Logpush requests make it to the log-processor worker? If so, what would be a way to get a deterministic set of IPs (or other attributes) to set up the ingress rule with? 2. Is there a way to enable mTLS for Logpush HTTP pushes?...

My logpush just stopped pushing logs It

My logpush just stopped pushing logs.. It's an http source and it says pushing
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