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Hello. Is there an issue on the queues

Hello. Is there an issue on the queues right now? Our queue has around 500 messages in the backlog. Started 15 minutes ago.

Also is there a way to flush a queue? My

Also is there a way to flush a queue? My queue grows much quicker than I consume it so once I have enough data I'd like to just flush all the messages to save the cpu time of consuming to ignore them

Hey guys, is there any problem with

Hey guys, is there any problem with recursive queue consumers/producers? I have a consumer that produces to the same queue it consumes from and it seems like metrics are significantly delayed. That said though, my queue jobs do take ~30s to run each and can only run one at a time by design. Perhaps it takes some time for a new deployment to be hooked up as I'm testing some stuff and deploying pretty often. I can see that the queue I am using is increasing in size and my db is getting new data so it is consuming and producing. It seems that as soon as I stop producing to the same queue I am consuming from, the metrics return Another question that I am struggling to find any information on is how to interpret the execution duration GB-sec value on workers. What does this mean?...

Is there a preferred way to simulate

Is there a preferred way to simulate queues locally with the remote flag? Sort of like the __schedule query string arg for testing CRON schedules locally.

How do I increase the max concurrency

How do I increase the max concurrency workers to 500 (the maximum) when polling messages from Queue?

Hey all, wondering if theres a way to

Hey all, wondering if theres a way to set a limit on the number of requests to a worker over a given period of time before it starts rejecting new requests? If I can avoid implementing it myself that'd be great

Hey there, my Queue has had a

Hey there, my Queue has had a concurrency of 3 for the last 12 hours. Failure rate is low. Maximum concurrency is 250. Any ideas on how to increase this?

I've had to disconnect the queue

I've had to disconnect the queue consumer in my application to effectively pause a certain processing pipeline while I sort out a bug. As the messages accumulate in the queue without a consumer, will they safely stay around until I resume (until the 96hr retention period)?...

Queue retries not happening consistently with either message or global retry_delay wrangler setting

i saw this same behavior yesterday. curious what’s up. i didn’t pass an explicit retry delaySeconds for the message, just an empty .retry(), and was hoping it will respect the retry_delay configured under the wrangler consumer section. will do some more tests today

anyone else run into problems with

anyone else run into problems with queues today? we hit a bunch of "Queue send failed: Service Temporarily Unavailable" around 2025-01-14T19:51:06.333Z

yes, and through the dashboard - the

yes, and through the dashboard - the config seems correct, it's similar to a prod dlq queue in that same account which works fine - it's just that queue 8c720189e5c54eefa03f53eefb7162f1 that gives messages cannot be pulled unless http_pull mode is enabled. I even tried previewing and deleting the 3 messages in there, didn't help

I currently have a queue setup where the

I currently have a queue setup where the consumer worker initiates a CSV download from an API, continues to poll the API until the CSV is available, downloads the CSV, and then stores it in R2. Right now only 2 messages are getting sent to the queue at a time (via a cron job at the top of every hour), but only the first one ever gets processed (it's processed to completion). Could this be a CPU limit issue? I don't see any error logs. These are my current .toml settings:...

guys i got over an hour of consumer

guys i got over an hour of consumer delay, is this normal?
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optimally, you'd be able to specific a

optimally, you'd be able to specific a key when writing a message.

is the best way to segregate HTTP access

is the best way to segregate HTTP access for queues to manage secrets within a worker? eg: client calls a normal worker rest endpoint and passes the secret, then the worker does a switch statement to correctly forward the message to a queue while checking the secret against that queue name using a map?...

Is there something wrong with Queues?

Is there something wrong with Queues? Most of my messages are failing to deliver for what they normally works.

Hey, I have a app which uses browser

Hey, I have a app which uses browser rendering and queues in the same worker. So far I used wrangler dev --remote to develop the browser part, I wanted to add the queue but ran into the issue, that queues are not supported in remote dev. What is a possible solution here?

and this is what I mean by the dashboard

and this is what I mean by the dashboard crashing. This happens after clicking on the queue. I see the queue metrics page start to load, then it switches to this less than a second later
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Local Development · Cloudflare Queues

Hey, is there any timeline when you plan to support running separate producer and consumer Workers bound to the same Queue locally? Usually you use queues to decouple your application therefore it is quite uncomfortable to not have the same level of local development on queues then on other Cloudflare components. And yes I'm already aware that I can trick this by "wiring" the consumer handler into the worker into the handler of the producer worker using the queue handler function out of the othe...