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is `npx wrangler types` supposed to work

is npx wrangler types supposed to work for workflows? wrangler.toml: services = [{ binding = "WORKFLOW_PROCESS_TRANSACTIONS", service = "money" }] wrangler version: wrangler 3.107.3 generated interface, WORKFLOW_PROCESS_TRANSACTIONS should be Workflow? ```...

Workflow limits

Ok thanks, well this is somewhat concerning if there are some tasks which use memory too much. That's why may be my workflow steps are throwing an error of cpu/memory limit after doing work of around 128 MiB ( nearly ) But on retry it's again working till 128 MiB ...

Hi all. Is it possible to pause/resume

Hi all. Is it possible to pause/resume workflow steps and wait for user input? We're using workflows for order processing. For new users, we require that the user verifies their identity with an external KYC provider. Is there a way to wrap this in a step that will block until the user has verified their identity? Some kind of signal mechanism similar to what Temporal has? Thanks in advance....

Error handling seems quite complex. I

Error handling seems quite complex. I have a tail worker that should post to the bug tracking app, but it doesn't seem to catch exceptions at all tail worker excerpt: ``` async tail(events, env, ctx) {...

I'm getting this error with the

I'm getting this error with the cloudflare blank starter repo when I change the index.ts to use workflows (the test passed before0 ``` [vpw:inf] Starting isolated runtimes for vitest.config.mts... Worker "workflows:telegram-mod-wf"'s binding "USER_WORKFLOW" refers to service "core:user:vitest-pool-workers-runner-" with a named entrypoint "MessageHandler", but "core:user:vitest-pool-workers-runner-" has no such named entrypoint....


I know you did that in your free time, and I really appreciate it, i'll be using it, but can we expect these features to be built-in in the future? 👀

Can you share more details? What does

Can you share more details? What does the full error message return? Just connection error? How many concurrent Workflows are running?

CPU/Memory Limit error message

Hi, I was testing the workflow and performing some heavy tasks (really intensive ones), and occasionally encountered the error: "The step crashed the worker (or exceeded CPU/Memory limits) during this attempt."...

I've started playing with workflows, and

I've started playing with workflows, and ran into the following issue. wonder if it could be related to Workflows?

I'm using workflows and I really like

I'm using workflows and I really like the built-in design to retry individual steps, very much like a multi-queue solution for each step. However, I'm also using queues to trigger N instances of the workflow as I want to space out some external calls, so I'm using delay with the queue. But I'd very much like the workflow to receive the original batch. This would allow for a much more robust acknowledgement and retry mechanism. If the workflow has access to the JS API of the queue batch, it will be able to control acknowledgment of the message. By retrying the queue message, it will be able to revert back executed steps by retrying the queue message and triggering a new workfow instance resetting the state....

Workers Observability <> Workflows

I'm now using Workflows in production. Dozens of runs, everything works great! The ability to view each instance in the dashboard is very cool and helps a lot. I have noticed, however, that each instance run produced an error log like this: ``` {...

On your first point, not necessarily,

On your first point, not necessarily, since if the first run makes the 1,000 requests, stores its state, and is restarted, it will skip those first 1k requests

Is this in prod? Local dev? What version

Is this in prod? Local dev? What version of wrangler?

DLQ Equivalent

Is there a deadletter "queue" equivalent for workflows/workflow steps? Ie. I want to know when a step stopped retrying so I can manually intervene.

Please help, my workflow is crashing and

Please help, my workflow is crashing and not continuing to next steps due to CPU limit exceeded but I do everything inside steps, there is virtually no work done in the workflow itself.

any idea why i get this error when using

any idea why i get this error when using this retry policy { retries: { limit: 12, delay: '2s', backoff: 'constant' } }
✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in promise) Error: NOT NULL constraint failed: priority_queue.target_timestamp: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT
✘ [ERROR] Uncaught (in promise) Error: NOT NULL constraint failed: priority_queue.target_timestamp: SQLITE_CONSTRAINT

is there a way to know within a step if

is there a way to know within a step if it's retrying, and if so, can you get the error that made it fail?

Sounds good. I have like roughly 10k

Sounds good. I have like roughly 10k instances brokenly queued. How to bulk terminate them? 🤔

Ideas for noisy-neighbors in multi-tentant systems

It’s account wide (all of your Workflows). We’ll be bringing per-Workflow controls, and the limit on the paid plan will increase as we go.