Cloudflare Developers


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The docs seem out of date, there is no "

The docs seem out of date, there is no "Account details section contains your Account ID" section on workers and pages ->overview And the only way I found to find it is by creating a domain (even though I did not intend to register any w/ CF) but then finally noticed the account_id is after the{ACCOUNT_ID}/ on the site 🤦‍♂️ This could be much clearer for first-time users....

@element14 , did you ever figure this

@element14 , did you ever figure this out? I'm getting this same FILE_PARSE_ERROR with my autotrained finetune

not yet but team said params are on the

not yet but team said params are on the way for some models

Error while executing this audio file

Error while executing this audio file with whisper model: [wrangler:err] InferenceUpstreamError: InferenceUpstreamError: ERROR 3010: Invalid or incomplete input for the model: failed to decode JSON: Request is too large...

CPU time limit exceeded, any way to check sdk version?

Is there any way to check the sdk version? I redeployed, but am still experiencing the same timeout issues today

Is there a reason that the API

Is there a reason that the API permission name for Workers AI changed from Cloudflare AI Read to Workers AI Read? It caused my terraform to break

Thread on Workers AI onboarding for a

Thread on Workers AI onboarding for a new user 🧵

M2M100 Supported languages

Just tried using the M2M100 model, it works well but why are some languages not supported even though they are included in the M2M100 supported languages. succeed: target_lang fr { "translated_text": "Votre employé a accès aux liens suivants : AI" }...

Have others been able to run text-to-

Have others been able to run text-to-image models in NextJS apps that run on Pages? I have a nextJS app set up via C3 and a server action performing the following: ``` "use server"; ...

I'm a bit confused rn.

I'm a bit confused rn. Why am I getting this error? Did I forget to bind something? 16:45:04.582 Executing user command: npx wrangler tail AI 16:45:07.041 ...

Howdy y'all, I'm trying your API for the

Howdy y'all, I'm trying your API for the Worker AI stuff by following the example but keep getting errors: ```bash curl -X POST \ \ -H "Authorization: Bearer MYTOKEN" \ -d '{"messages":[{"role":"system","content":"You are a friendly assistant that helps write stories"},{"role":"user","content":"Write a short story about a llama that goes on a journey to find an orange cloud "}]}'...


``` curl --location '{my-account}/ai/run/@cf/mistral/mistral-7b-instruct-v0.1' \ --header 'Authorization: Bearer {mytoken}' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \ --data '{ ...

I increased the detail:

I increased the detail:
"Convert the users next message content into a duration in seconds. Provide the user only 1 number, with no other words, units or formatting. For example, if the user says '5 minutes', you should return '300'. If the user says 'the time it takes for the average person to run 100m', you should return '20'."
But even ChatGPT 3.5 turbo isn't very good at this. Running it a few times: 31536000s 30000000s...

From my understanding you should be able

From my understanding you should be able to stream the response body returned by

Hi I m trying out the LLM worker and I m

Hi! I'm trying out the LLM worker and I'm wondering if it's possible to return the response as a stream? similar to ?

So when running BGE models for

So when running BGE models for embeddings you must prepend your docs with Represent this sentence for searching relevant passages:. From what I can see this is uncessesary in the WorkersAI API right? So the API does that for me automatically? In both batch and single inputs?

Full code straight from the tutorial

Full code, straight from the tutorial: ``` import { Ai } from '@cloudflare/ai' export default {...