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hey guys i’m really struggling with

hey guys i’m really struggling with setting up r2 for my nextjs project and the documentation isn’t helping pls guide me


```go package amazon import ( "bytes"...

got an error

got an error x-amz-checksum-mode with value enabled not implemented...

So, after some thought and thorough

So, after some thought and thorough reading, I think the reason the documentation was misleading is this part here. It implies that the example code blocks are meant for: 1. Presigning, using a worker, or something else (it mentions a dedicated worker or other app just for signing...) 2. Using the presigned URL, from within a worker, one that has the R2 bucket binding, which will make it automatically authenticate against R2, and is why they omit the configs This to me seems rather useless... you run into the same limits (request size, etc) as if you had just used the R2 binding directly, and gain none of the benefits typically associated with (and mentioned at the top of the article) for presigning. But I digress. It seems like every person who has run into this here on Discord had the same assumption I did - presigning using this example to then use the presigned url outside a worker, which is not what the example, nor the special notes about authentication, are for at all....
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Hi, does Cloudflare plan to allow s3

Hi, does Cloudflare plan to allow s3 compatible providers (other than aws) for migrations with Sippy?

a cache rule would work fine to bypass

a cache rule would work fine to bypass all cache for requests which hit the custom domain regardless of where it comes from, just do hostname eq, bypass

R2's workers API documentation does not

R2's workers API documentation does not mention anything about promise rejection for put/delete, does that mean they will always succeed and there's no need to do things like retry?

[SOLVED] CORS public bucket

Hi friends, I have an R2 bucket with public access via custom domain. Access works, but no CORS headers are set. I have configured a basic CORS policy that simply allows all GET requests. Origin header is set in the request (via browser). What am I missing? Thanks! Policy: [{ "AllowedOrigins": [ "*" ], "AllowedMethods": [ "GET" ] }]...

Does `*` really

Does * really only support HTTP1? There's no HTTP2 or QUIC support on those domains? (I'm getting a Chrome net::ERR_H2_OR_QUIC_REQUIRED error when trying to do a fetch upload with duplex: "half")

CORS issues when downloading files from R2

I've configured my files from R2 to be served from: So, fetching and displaying images on my site works as expected, for example, ...

Another error I'm getting now is ```

Another error I'm getting now is ``` <Error > <Code >...

Hello, I have a bug report for R2 - is

Hello, I have a bug report for R2 - is this the right channel to post it?

I might be being a numpty - but has

I might be being a numpty - but has anyone got custom metadata working with presigned urls working in R2? The docs are a little light on how the custom metadata works - I'm using the recommended @aws-sdk/client-s3 And assumed it would be like - but no dice so far ```ts...

you can use presigned for GET and PUT

you can use presigned for GET and PUT but not for POST, what operation are you trying to perform?

Hi, hope you all are having good day...

Hi, hope you all are having good day... I am new to r2 and was exploring it for one of my hobby project...I am generating a presigned url from my backend (C# AWS SDK), but if I use that key for doing a PUT request, I am getting a CORS error, I explored few docs online, my API tokens does have both Read and Write admin access, and have configured CORS for the bucket...Does any one knows whether I am missing someting specifically......

R2 / Billing issue

Anyone still facing issue not able to access R2 both dashboard and api access? It telling me the bucket is deleted because if billing, but when I'm trying to pay the debt, the API returning authentication error?...
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sub #2

@Matt @rita please help me too. - no red bars in the dashboard. - by inspection, 'subscriptions' endpoint got 500 errors before redirect to the same page. here's the response {"success":false,"errors":[{"code":1000,"message":"Internal Server Error"}]}...
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Day a day and R2 is with problems...

Day a day and R2 is with problems... Please fix this problem with billing... We need our files.

Hello, I use the R2 service to store

Hello, I use the R2 service to store data and provide download links for my customers, but today I do not have access to my R2 account. After logging into the R2 management page, I received the following message: "Your subscription to R2 was previously removed. In order to access your buckets, please add the R2 subscription back to your account. To check your account's billing status, visit Billing." I then made a full payment of the remaining invoice, but my R2 service is still not functioning again. I have submitted a support ticket regarding this issue, but I believe this is a problem related to the R2 service....

R2 sub

Hi Matt, 1. Yes, I re-added R2 for so many times but every times it navigates back to this screen. 2. In billing subscription, I don't see "R2 Storage" 3. Yes, I missed a payment. And I paid 2 days ago....