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Not all Records Are Showing

So I've been trying to connect my domain top Shopify for the past few hours and no luck. I hat a chat with shopify support and they said to remove these AAAA records yet I can't even see them to be removed? There also seems to be records with Ips that I dont have any A records for yet it says I do? Im not particularly experienced in this sector, I'm just a man trying to run an online store. Any help much appreciated, thanks guys.
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Mirroring cloudflared behavior in Zero Trust tunnel

Hi. I am using cloudflared for local development of a Discord activity. Discord proxies requests in its iframe through discord to a mapping defined by myself. I have the mapping set so all routes go to my cloudflare zero trust tunnel. The Public Hostname set up for that tunnel is http://localhost:8793. When used in discord, there are cryptic errors that seem unrelated to networking. BUT when I use cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:8793 instead of the tunnel I created in the Zero Trust UI, I don't have any issues....

Internal Server Error

I keep getting ā€œinternal server error,ā€ when i go to register a new domain name, I currently have 4 registered on this account with no prior issues, payment information is correct and tried multiple other payment methods as well. This has been ongoing for months.

Does the Workers fetch cache respect ETAG changes?

If Iā€™m using the fetch caching feature in a worker to fetch objects from a GCS bucket, and I change the stored object on Google Cloud Storage (letā€™s say it was corrupted and needed to be processed again), will the fetch cache recognize the change and fetch the new object or how can I manage such behavior without having to manually purge or having to use cache keys and manual purges? Is there any way I can use ETAGS to automate this process?

Hello, good afternoon everyone. Dear ones, I have been trying for 4 days to get the site that has yo

Hello, good afternoon everyone. Dear ones, I have been trying for 4 days to get the site that has your domain to open on another server, I have updated the DNS only for record A, the IP shown on this screen is the correct one but the new website does not load in any way Can someone shed some light on how to proceed? sorry for my english, i'm using a translator
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Transferring domain from one cloudflare account to another

Hello, I have initiated a transfer to another cloudflare account as specified in the documentation here. Case # 01225409 However, the new account is seeing "pending nameserver update" which is not mentioned in the documentation as something that is required by either account in this process. ...

C# Application 403 Error R2 Downloading Files with Random Users

Hello, I have a C# application that download files from R2 connected to a domain. However, for 5 to 20 random users, they receive a 403 error according to the debugging logs. I'm using WebClient and don't have any special rules in place. I've even created a WAF rule to ignore everything, but the issue persists. By exemple, if they use a VPN, it works fine. Bot Mode Attack and Browser Integrity Checkare disabled. ...

I want to change account for my domains on Cloudflare

Like title, and please check case 01238096 on support Cloudflare I open a ticket but, all email reply from Cloudflare is Automated/Automation...

Google Verification Block

I'm trying to apply Google Adsense and I'm noticing that as soon as it requests verification on my site some rule blocks it, and even disabling all the WAF rules it still doesn't verify
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dmarc protonmail

how do i remove the "i" or informational error here?
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cloud flare issue in rendering component astro (blank Page)

i finish my project locally and testing it in both dev and build mood but when i upload it on cloud flare i got a blank page with no console error i start to find what is happening i wrote an custom index.astro and layout without component it works but when i add the component it doesn't render also i have multiple pages in my project also i am using ssr #workers-help #pages-help

522 timeout & laggyness but last week 100% fine

Hello. I am getting 522 connection timeout AND laggyness on my website CF is turned ON. Does anyone know why? MY website is it was working 100% last week...

Nameservers not being detected after a month.

Hi there I've updated the nameservers on my domain (square space domain) several times to match the required name servers in my cloud flare dash. I have three other domains that work perfect, but for some reason, cloud flare will not detect the nameservers on this domain I have with square space. It's and I have verified that the name servers are on the domain properly via online name server checking tools. I feel like I'm overlooking something but I'm not sure. Any help would be super appreciated....

Is streaming to an R2 file possible?

I have an audio stream that continuously yields audio buffers to a ReadableStream. My goal is to take these buffers and upload them to Cloudflare R2, but Iā€™m unsure of the best approach to achieve this. Is it possible to stream upload to an R2 file without knowing the size in advance? Thank you in advance šŸ™...

Automatic colocation change

I'm connected to Frankfurt (FRA) for over 2 months for fast and secure internet until today when my internet speed dropped under 50 mbit/s. until I check ROBLOX (I'm developer on that platform) and it blocked access and, I thought internet speed was extremely low so I check speed and it appeared under 50 so, I check colocation center and it appeared IST (Istanbul) and I didn't check settings since first successful connection. (lowest before change was over 50 mbit/s and maximum was 300 mbit/s)
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My website has been cloned

Hi There, Cloned is a domain name registred recently and I found that it is using all my websiteā€™s contents even the plugins , I donā€™t know how is doing this for now , but when I activate Under Attack Mode in Cloudflare I get this message ā€œThis web property is not accessible via this address.ā€ (Screenshot by Lightshot 40) when Browsing Cloned. Is there firewall rule to prevent this website from using my contents. ...

Hi -

We have a really bad Catch-22. We've upgraded our account from "Free" to "Business" but because of the current account bugs, we are still being treated as a "Free" account (even though it shows us as being paid, and we're getting billed). Because the system doesn't see us as a "Business" account properly, we can't get any support. We submit tickets and get no responses, and I see on the support page that free accounts are basically "best effort"....

ZTNA Device Enrollment Rules Help

Hi all, I need help with this, Iā€™ve tried to set up some rules so that only me and my team can log into warp and the access panel, but it seems to not be working. I have my GitHub account connected, but when I try to sign in with it, it says ā€œthis account does not have accessā€. Iā€™m 100% sure itā€™s the right account and everything. Same with the email login, I just donā€™t get the code to my email address. Anybody knows what wrong with this?...
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large video file storage and delivery

in all honesty i just need to talk to someone whos done this kiinda thing before because i have a working thing i just need to figure out how to do it better. storing large videos (10+gb, 1hr ish) is a pain in the butt in terms of cost and how to do it efficiently. i have done it in aws s3 bucket and cloudfront for delivery but have run into the it cost a bunch and can't really change video quality....

How do i work with an API(r2 Bucket)

i realise the question sounds really dumb but like whats the url and stuff im meant to use to let my code access my bucket šŸ˜­ , im kinda new to coding and stuff in general so i realise im skipping steps but ireally wanna learn how to do this, any and all help is appreciated, ive looked at documentation and stuff and even went so far as to ask chat gpt to tell šŸ’€, but idk what to do, or how to work w one at all and i literally have no clue how to do anything