Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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do you see any other headers on that old

do you see any other headers on that old response?
MNmr nooli5/12/2024

Svelte/kit on CF behaves differently on two domains, with the same deployment

Hey all, I've deployed a svelte app using cloudflare pages, but it's behaving really really weirdly. - is my post in the svelte discord, but to simplify it, it works in the default domain, but not with my custom domain... and I've got no idea why...

Does `wrangler pages deploy` pick up `wrangler.toml` config?

Seems like the wrangler.toml is not being properly picked up when I used wrangler pages deploy. I made some bindings with the CLI which I added to the wrangler.toml, but the bindings did not actually get applied, I had to do it manually in the dashboard. Is this a known issue or am I "holding it wrong"?

Affiliate Link

So rather than giving out my full affiliate link I’d like to just give out and then anytime anyone hits a URL they are guaranteed to pull a new cookie
BYAbron yr aur4/23/2024

i was planning on moving from github

i was planning on moving from github pages to cloudflare pages 1. does cloudflare pages default to brotli compression? 2. what's the default compression level? 3. can the compression level be tweaked by the dev?...

Hi, is authentication available for

Hi, is authentication available for single paths like "/admin"? Looking at Cloudflare Access Pages Plugin it seems to be per domain.

Nextjs 14 app API and am using firebase for chat in my app

I have nextjs 14 app and am using firebase for chat in my app. Create API for for i get below errors when i build my app. Path (app/api/(chat)/users) ```js ./node_modules/@firebase/database-compat/dist/index.standalone.js:13:1 Module not found: Can't resolve 'tls'...

I've been trying to figure this one out

I've been trying to figure this one out for days now. But I think I've found an issue with Pages... deploying with a wrangler.toml file that has a service binding, just ends up in the Queued state forever. If I deploy without wrangler.toml (aka no service binding), and then manually add the service binding via the UI, and then re-deploying the app... it works. I've tried hunting through network requests, and through the code, but I cannot find anything lol.

hey guys! is there a good example

hey guys! is there a good example repository where i can find an example of an R2 object being used to set as source for a media element? I'm wondering about the wire up, I'm close but not exactly there would be awesome, thanks...
HIAHello, I’m Alastair!4/11/2024

Just to confirm, are you saying that the

Just to confirm, are you saying that the binding doesn't exist, or that it isn't returning an object?

Build configuration · Cloudflare Pages d...

Can you access environment variables during runtime in Cloudflare Pages? This only refers to environment variables for build time

pelican build integration is failing

pelican build integration is failing because the pelican executable is either not installed or not on the PATH at build time

I will check that out. Thank you! Do you

I will check that out. Thank you! Do you mind me asking what tech stack you use? Do you try to use as much of the Cloudflare platform as possible (e.g. D1, Workers KV, R2) or do you use similar services from other companies?

Does anyone know if it's possible to

Does anyone know if it's possible to host preview branch on a specific subdomain?

Is it possible to integrate Vitest for

Is it possible to integrate Vitest for Cloudflare Pages?
MGMarius Gundersen3/19/2024

Why not point the domain there directly

Why not point the domain there directly? What should the custom domain be used for if it doesn't point there?

> What is the actual way to setup this

What is the actual way to setup this redirect?
Either will work, Page Rules will eventually be going away though. It'll be announced when there is and there will be plenty of time, but yea one day your options will only be Bulk Redirects/Dynamic Redirects, not Page Rules
Usually this is fairly straightfoward but I think the CNAME flattening is making it a bit harder for me to understand
I don't get where CNAME flattening plays into this. Generally not something you need to worry about, espec not when everything is proxied. Your apex custom domain cname for pages is using CNAME flattening, but it doesn't change anything with this redirect....

Is it possible to purge the cache used for asset retention

Is it possible to purge the cache used for asset retention (or at least adjust the TTL)? I've noticed that some users can get an old version of a .json file i import into my next.js project which is not ideal for the site I'm running. Thanks!
HBHunter Bertoson3/8/2024

Are Cloudflare Pages Plugins supported

Are Cloudflare Pages Plugins supported with Astro? Does anyone know?

Is nodejs 12 still supposed to work on

Is nodejs 12 still supposed to work on the v2 pages build system? I got a 4 year old repo I'm trying to move over to pages and get building. It works on the v1 build system but selecting v2 it does some weird complaining about node 12 is already installed and then errors out. ```cmd Using v2 root directory strategy...