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I'm experiencing same issue with `Error

I'm experiencing same issue with Error: VECTOR_GET_ERROR (code = 10000): Authentication error although it worked before. Already tried to upgrade to latest wrangler. I'm also getting: ``` āœ˜ [ERROR] Error storing embeddings for undefined ...

I've been reading and for my use case, I

I've been reading and for my use case, I'm wondering if I'll need to combine both workers and the cloudflare api: I want each of my users to have their own index but I want the users of my users to be able to query my user's index and it could exceed the cloudflare api limit so I would like the queries/inserting to be done via cloudflare workers, but how can I dynamically pass in the name of the index

Hello anyone can help me with a

Hello anyone can help me with a vectorise problem VECTOR_QUERY_ERROR (code = 50111) the weird thing is that with this payload below it works as expected { "search_prompt": "i saw that users wanted our company phone number, and couldnt find it.", "function_type": "search",...


Hello, I am thinking of using CF Vectorize databases but can't find the docs for max queries/requests per second per namespace/globally. Do you know where I can get this information? We need to be able to handle at least 10,000 queries/second, and want to make sure that CF can support that....

Hello šŸ™‚

Hello šŸ™‚ Is there no UI option to create vector index? I am getting this screen. the UI comes for a split second and goes away...
No description

Vectorize If I filter using Metadata

Vectorize If I filter using Metadata filter, will I be billed for the quantity before filtering or after filtering?

Hello, I'm wondering one thing before

Hello, I'm wondering one thing before getting into cloudflare vectorize, it seems many vector databases charge based on how much data there is to scan through, but I don't find the documentation for vectorize clear, does "queried dimensions" refer to that same thing, or only to the actual dimensions of the vector you're searching by (please ping when responding šŸ™)

Hi, I am having issue in inserting

Hi, I am having issue in inserting vector with correct vector format, anyone else experiencing same issue, there is no error but it is returning null. Any idea

Hi, are there plan to increase the topk

Hi, are there plan to increase the topk limit of 20 with metadata filtering? With chunked data a limit of 20 is severely limiting, especially for paginated search experiences.

can the vectorize http api docs be

can the vectorize http api docs be updated? I basically had to try random things then give up and searched in this channel before i saw somebody with the correct format

Are there any plans to increase the

Are there any plans to increase the current dimension limit? OpenAIā€™s latest embedding model is over 3000, and while itā€™s possible to lower it, if you want more accuracy then it simply wonā€™t be possible to use Vectorize

Cf vector queue

Hi @EndiM, is there a thread on dev community or detailed query you posted earlier? Can you share the link please?

I attempted to record a video on how to

I attempted to record a video on how to use Vectorize but I failed at the following: - figuring out binding VECTORIZE The documentation needs work in these areas....

Can we also expect

Can we also expect 1. Metadata filters without creating indexes for each 2. Create dynamic vector indexes programatically without the manual bindings...

hi, I am evaluating Vectorize as the

hi, I am evaluating Vectorize as the data store for an AI RAG application I am building for work. I noticed the metadata filtering does not implement $gte and $lte matching. Are those operators on the roadmap?

is it possible to load stuff into a prod

is it possible to load stuff into a prod vectorize index from the local machine? or is the data running in the miniflare / simulator only?

Hi @garvitg , I got question regarding

Hi @garvitg , I got question regarding the workers ai and vectorize, I have an app running Resnet50 to vectorize image, I'm planning to switch over to cloudflare since you guys support Resnet50, however, I saw the limitiations of the Vectorize it says it has maximum dimensions per vector 1536 dimensions, which is not high enough for my app since it generate 2048 dimensions using Resnet50, any idea how can I reduce the dimensions that is generated from Resnet50? I'm really new to this field, so any help would be awesome, thanks!...

Hello, Quick question, I get really slow

Hello, Quick question, I get really slow response times in Vectorise. Like seconds of response time. My code is very simple, so nothing else should be slowing it down. I am in Greece btw, so not sure if that plays a role. I get the same speeds when deploying the worker. ```typescript }), async (c) => {...

How can I see what vectors I have in my

How can I see what vectors I have in my index? I checked the commands I could run, and none mentioned showing the vectors I got in my index. I want to be able to delete and test stuff before I run the actual thing. Any guidance would be appreciated.