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HIAHello, I’m Alastair!5/3/2024

Looking at the linked tutorial, it

Looking at the linked tutorial, it appears that Solid uses SSR. If that is the case, then you need to create that route through whatever mechanism solid provides, rather than the /functions folder

Thanks for still thinking about it.

Thanks for still thinking about it. Unfortunately, that doesn't work or not at least locally.
It does not return anything as the fetch never completes, so the function just shows 500 internal error on the server but doesn't execute any further. I tried shortcircuit with datares.status to check for 500 but it doesn't work that way as by that time the function errors out and not the origin server (for which datares checks for).
The 500 error is the function error but nothing is checking for the function error itself. I am not sure if I am explaining it well. ...
HIAHello, I’m Alastair!3/23/2024

Cloudflare API Documentation

There is the Traceroute API which requires the Enterprise plan
HIAHello, I’m Alastair!3/23/2024

Security model · Cloudflare Workers docs

That might have something to do with Spectre Mitigation?
PMPatrick M3/4/2024

In my case I got these results:

In my case I got these results: Raw: 6.07 MB Gzipped: 1.05 MB Minified: 2.23 MB...

Hey All, I am trying to understand how

Hey All, I am trying to understand how wrangler page functions deploy works with domain aliases. I have used wrangler to successfully update my page function so when I use the link it is working with the correct function, but when I access with the domain alias, sometimes I get the old page function behaviour and sometimes I get the new behaviour. I have tried a cache clear by hostname and it didn't clear out the old page function. Any ideas why the old page function would continue to...

@auth/sveltekit! I have the same issue

@auth/sveltekit! I have the same issue on cf pages functions. ```
Using @sveltejs/adapter-cloudflare
21:38:26.511 ✘ [ERROR] Could not resolve "crypto"...

Quick question around `pages dev`

Quick question around pages dev functions and restarting on code changes. I've got a function that re-exports onRequest from a different folder, and I use the wrangler dev bundling. The details are here: For some reason during dev, codechanges are not applied without having to restart. Is this a bug?...

Pages Functions as API

Hi, looking for some help with functions to help me fetch json data from a third party API. Apologies in advanced if I have got this all wrong, I am usually just front-end but I am helping this animal rescue organisation make their webpage - and to list the animals they have for adoption we are using a third party api that needs a API secret. To hide the API secret from the client-end I went about making an express.js backend that will be hosted and the end points will simply just call the third party API with the secret, and some basic filtering queries will just be appeneded to the fetch. ...
No description

Send emails from a pages function

Heyo 👋 Is it possible to send emails from a pages function? I am trying somewhat along the lines of

Hey guys, I have a question.

Hey guys, I have a question. I have a nextjs static site, all HTML, js and css. No server side rendering. I want to have the nextjs app generate a bunch of static "websites" for different clients. ...
JDJonas Dautel10/10/2023

No Errors for POST Formdata

i am trying to get my function to accept a http POST with formdata and then send that to a webhook to discord. Somehow i am only getting an empty object but also no errors in the logs in the dashboard : ```js /** * POST /api/submit */...

Hey all using SvelteKit in Cloudflare

Hey all, using SvelteKit in Cloudflare Pages/Functions, and running locally via wrangler pages dev -e dev -- vite dev (proxy mode). Unfortunately it seems that a Location header doesn't make it all the way back to my browser but instead wrangler/workerd/mf is following the redirect internally. Is there a way to enable this passthrough? I saw the attached note but not sure if that's the same thing. Strangely, it seems that other SvelteKit headers are passed through, i.e X-Sveltekit-Page, bu...
No description

Hello I enabled functions and Static

Hello, I enabled functions and Static Forms Pages Plugin. Now Cloudflare rewrites the Javascript in my static assets (replacing .innerHTML="<form></form><form></form>" by .innerHTML="<form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="static-form-name" value="null" /></form><form method="POST"><input type="hidden" name="static-form-name" value="null" /></form>"). Obviously this breaks the JS + the computation of the integrity hash, and I don’t see the point of this rewrite as this file is complet...

Issues to run Pages functions locally

Hi , i am trying to run pages functions locally and getting error "✘ [ERROR] MiniflareCoreError [ERR_RUNTIME_FAILURE]: The Workers runtime failed to start. There is likely additional logging output above." Wrangler is compiling the pages function to worker successfully . My env is Ubuntu 23.04 + node v20.5.1 + npm 10.0.0 +Vite - React . Am i missing something ?

I am using D1 with Pages functions Was

I am using D1 with Pages functions. Was working fine. My D1 database had a binding in the function/worker of DB, suddenly in production the binding is __D1_BETA__DB, anyone ever have seen this happen? Locally still works as expected (eg. DB). I found that this prefix exists in miniflare codebase but really confused to see this pop-up in my production project....
CJCryptic Jack7/19/2023

i figured it out

i figured it out

Hi James – yes I believe ` cloudflare

Hi @Better James – yes, I believe @cloudflare/next-on-pages is what's being used under the hood (it's a bit opaque, but I see that in the docs and in node_modules). Will test out the new release, thank you!

Hi everyone

Hi everyone, Need some help deploying Nuxt3 server middleware on cloudflare pages/workers ...

Pages Functions with SvelteKit

Am I being dense, but should my /functions folder be in my root dir for the build? or my actual top level of a repo? Have tried both and neither seem to be working? Also are files with a - supported i.e /functions/early-access.js to Trying to get a simple hello world function working and just getting a 404 with nothing else 🥲...