Cloudflare Developers


Cloudflare Developers

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Hi friends, new to workers for platforms

Hi friends, new to workers for platforms! What is the story on letting users manage secrets for their workers they upload? Like if my user wants to access their own database from their worker what is best practice for managing that? Thank you for the help!
TWPtanushree │ Workers PM4/5/2024

Browser Rendering API GA, rolling out Cl...

Big WFP announcement today 📣🚀 TLDR: WFP is coming down to our paid plan on April 16th!...

TLDR: `new ReadableStream()` is working

TLDR: new ReadableStream() is working for me in normal workers, but not workers for platforms Hi guys! I'm implementing a feature using Prisma's Pulse product, which streams database change events to listening clients. I'm able to connect and listen to events perfectly on a traditional worker, but the same code on Workers for Platforms as a customer worker has issues when instantiating a ReadableStream....
TWPtanushree │ Workers PM1/24/2023

DM me your use case 👀

DM me your use case 👀

Limits · Cloudflare for Platforms docs

What does the binding a DO look like as described here? Do we have to make another worker that has the DO definition? Not sure how to bind a DO that is not within the local code since the workers.toml is referencing a class name as well...

For binding to DOs in the same script

For binding to DOs in the same script you dont provide script_name or environment. If you try that way does it work?