League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers


League of Extraordinary FoundryVTT Developers

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More Hooks 5e

https://github.com/ElfFriend-DnD/foundryvtt-more-hooks-5e I'm going to try to use this library to hammer out the desires and API for a set of hooks to add to the system itself, I'm very keen on getting feedback about this. The hooks are named after the method which they are patched into, and here's the initial list: - Actor5e.rollAbilitySave...

Base Item

@otigon it occurs to me that the new baseItem property on weapons and such is probably of interest to you with AutoAnimations. It's how one would mark a derivative magic item's base weapon (i.e. Longsword of Life Stealing as a "Longsword"). Wanted to be sure you saw this in case it makes your life easier 🙂 https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/issues/1098...

Skill and Ability bonuses

A massive enhancement of Skills and Ability Checks/Saves allows them to be individually affected by Active Effects, as I understand it. I'm interested in some documentation on this if anyone does any investigation and writes down what's possible, I'd be obliged.

150 Sheet Changes

@sdenec @lordzeel Sheet Changes required: - New Cog-menu for Ability Scores and Skills to support new config dialog...

item preCreate

@sol.folango @mrprimate (pinging you two in particular because you do import stuff involving existing actors) There was a change to the 5e logic around the _onCreateOwnedXXXX methods in Item5e during _preCreate to better support automatically setting the proficiency of said items. https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/blob/1.5.x/module/item/entity.js#L1474 This caused a problem for equipment (but probably other item types too, being investigated) which was just found and MRed: https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/merge_requests/422...

Item Specific Crit Details

Oh that critical hit thing is gonna hit MRE too isn't it... hrm...

1.5.x 72%

@dnd5e No action required (but suggested 🙂 ) The 1.5.0 milestone is ~72% complete. It has a due date of September 30th (no idea how much they'll hold to that). Some notable changes that I have noticed:...

mid-milestone ping feedback

@dnd5e No Action Required Wanted to ping you to make you aware that the 1.5.0 milestone is >50% complete. Tell me if this kind of ping is useful or if you hate it in the attached thread. https://gitlab.com/foundrynet/dnd5e/-/milestones/41...

IC 5e Docs

I'm not looking to ping about this but for anyone who sees this: I'm interested to know if anyone here is interested in contributing to some user-focused documentation for the dnd5e system. I'm not talking about developer focused api docs, but rather writing down what the vanilla system is capable of without modules....


@badgerwerks how does the cover application for 5e helpers work? I know you do black magic to calculate the cover value, but then what? Do you use an effect on the target or on the attacker? I stumbled on this ac.cover data point which plays into the calculation of an actor's AC and have been trying to figure out what if anything uses it......

equipmentType bonus

⚠️ Breaking Changes ⚠️ The DND5E.equipmentTypes type of bonus has been removed. Any in-world equipment items of this subtype are migrated to type trinket. There were no equipment equipment items of this subtype in the SRD compendium. This was not an item.type. This was one of the 'subtypes' for item.type === 'equipment'....

Actor Sheet Changes

Actor Sheet changes: -NPC, Character: systems/dnd5e/templates/actors/parts/actor-warnings.html partial that displays warnings in-sheet. -NPC, Character: AC now has a config instead of being an input. class="config-button" data-action="armor" ...

AC Migrations

As of 1.4.1 there are two migration scripts for AC related changes: 1. The standard Migration Script: recommended for people that don't believe in science ```...